Privacy issues associated with data mining


What is Data Mining?

Data mining is exploring and analyzing big data in order to uncover concrete patterns and rules layman’s it a process used to extract usable data from a larger set of any raw data.. Data mining techniques are used in the development of machine learning ( ML) models that power modern artificial intelligence ( AI) applications such as search engine algorithms and recommendations.  

Examples include;

  • Fraud Detection and Prevention
  • E-mail Spam Detector
  • Database Marketing & Marketing
  • Credit Risk Management & Scoring
  • Healthcare Informatics

Describe the privacy issues associated with data mining.

One of the data mining challenges is Privacy and security. (Microstrategy, 2020) defines data mining as a powerful tool that provides businesses with compelling insights into their consumers. However, at what point do these insights infringe on an individual’s privacy? Organizations must weigh this relationship with their customers, develop policies to benefit consumers, and communicate these policies to the consumers to maintain a trustworthy relationship.

Although the cloud has enabled many technological advancements in data mining, the service structure poses major challenges to privacy and security. To retain the trust of their partners and clients, companies must protect their data from malicious figures.

What do you feel is responsible data mining and what is not?

Responsible data mining is the one that has privacy and security policies in place and provides transparency, accuracy, fairness and confidentiality.

Responsible Data mining recognize a variety of emerging problems and possible deliberate and unintended effects of enforcing them responsibly. For example, who collects and controls the data, how are the data being used, and is there a possibility for abuse and What policies are in place to address errors?

For irresponsible data mining is what we saw with case of Cambridge Analytica Scandal with Facebook user data.

Do you feel that you have choices over the use of your data?

Personally, I think there is less control over the use of my data especially on most online platforms and Apps though some website I do have opt-in /out consent. There are several internet privacy bills pending in Massachusetts. HB 3698 prohibits an ISP from collecting, using, disclosing, or permitting access to a customer's sensitive propriety information without opt-in consent (absent certain emergency and other circumstances) (ACLU, 2017).  

How do you believe the landscape will change in the future?

According to (itransition, 2020), Privacy will remain a hot issue. Data security and privacy have always been pressing issues, showing a massive snowballing potential. Ever-growing data volumes create additional challenges in protecting it from intrusions and cyberattacks, as the levels of data protection can’t keep up with the data growth rates.

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