Chain of Custody - OJ Simpson case

Research the OJ Simpson trial. How do you think chain of custody was handled? What should have been done differently?

There was a lot of doubts due to the amount of evidence that was collected but not actually recorded using the chain of custody. This resulted in theories being created which claimed that the police and scenes of crime officers were actually planting evidence, an example of evidence that was collected but not recorded in the chain of custody would be the drops of blood that were found at the crime scene which scenes of crimes officers thought was OJ Simpsons, it was later found that test tube filled with blood was not sent straight to the lab for inspection, it was left at the police station for many hours before actually making its way to the lab to be analyzed which further increased suspicion that evidence was being tampered with. 

Everything from the crime scene should have been documented and added over to the right personnel in charge and for the time sensitive samples like blood swaps and samples should be taken directly to the lab after documentation in chain of Custody. 

Does chain of custody with digital evidence matter as much as physical evidence? 

It matters because both are evidence that need to be handled the right way in order to be used in court hence  Chain of custody is important because if evidence has been altered or it cannot be proven that it was not altered during the time between collection and use in court, then that evidence is less believable or credible. This therefore allows any evidence to be traced back to see in whose possession or charge the evidence was under when it was tampered with or lost. It also means that the evidence can be traced back to the scenes of crime officer that found and collected it at the crime scene. 


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