Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) Planning

Its important to have a CSIR plan because incident response process safeguards your organization from a potential loss of revenue. The faster your organization can detect and respond to a data breach or even security incidents the less likely it will have a significant impact on your data, customer trust, reputation, and a potential loss in revenue. 

According to ("Incident Response Plan - Cipher", 2020), having a CSIR plan helps in the following; 

Protecting data is of importance both personally and professionally. By following an updated incident response plan, your team can proactively protect your data. Protecting data assets throughout the incident response process includes countless tasks and responsibilities for the IR team. 

Protect Organization Reputation & Customer Trust, IDC found that 78% of consumers would take their business elsewhere if directly affected by a data breach. If a security breach is not properly handled quickly, the company risks losing some or all its customer base. 

Protect the organization Revenue, A thorough incident response process safeguards your organization from a potential loss of revenue. 

To make CSIR Plan happen, training the available IT staff and create policies basing these policies on best practice frameworks developed by industry groups, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) can help to save the time and money of hiring a new CSIR professional. 

Even if we proceed with this plan, where would you recommend, we start? 

I would recommend we start with the Policies and since the organization has no time and resources, we will starting with creating policies basing on best practice frameworks developed by industry groups, such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). Using the Policy Framework that includes Policies, standards, procedures and Guidelines saves time and help to stay on Track. 


Incident Response Plan - Cipher. (2020). Retrieved 13 May 2020, from  


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